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Customer Stories

Testimonials: Testimonials
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"I've been working with Elke for over a year. I have followed her from her last place of employment to watching her take her passion for helping others and beginning her new business. She has helped me with my resume, guidance and community resources that have allowed me to be who I am today; including obtaining a driver's license and my first car.



J.F. has been working at a small cafe dishwashing. He loves his work. He's a single dad that had many barriers to overcome. His first job he obtained with us was a little more difficult for him to maintain as a single dad, so we found him a better opportunity. He's been doing great, loves his work, and will have the possibility of learning new skills.


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They should have put me with JOB Employment Services a long time ago except that JOB is a  newer organization. With her past experience in the field, Elke was recommended to me. Her and Sheila went above and beyond assisting me with getting an application filled out and going to advocate with me for my job transporting those with needs to their appointments. I love it because I get the driving job I wanted while getting to help others.

D. G.

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